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Treat Yourself to the services of a
Private Sommelier & boost your sales 

A sommelier at your fingertips

A independent & private sommelier. Itinérant, He or She travels to different establishments, on an ad hoc or ongoing basis, to carry out various task relating to wine promotion, sales, management & trainingt.

A concept designed for professionals who don't have a sommelier but whould like to benefit from his or her servicesadvice.

A development programme

3 axis

  • The staff

  • The wine list

  • The cellar

Know your wine to sell it better

Designed & create by a team of professionals Sommelier, our  'Selling wine in restaurants' course will enable you to develop basic sommelier skills and quickly master restaurant sales techniques.

By the end of this programme, you will have acquired:

  • The basics of sommellerie

  • An effective sales technique

  • Advice on how to manage your cellar

  • Tools for presenting and marketing your wine list effectively

  • Mastering service techniques (including end-of-service operations)

  • A selection of wines virtually unheard of in french-speaking Switzerland

  • Professional, hight-quality support materials

  • Ease  in dealing with customers

Deux jeunes employés de la restauration dans une cave de restaurant en train d'observer une bouteille de vin. Cette rubrique présente un programme de dévellopement. Connaître le vin pour mieux le vendre. La formation 'vente de vins au restaurant' permet de développer les connaissances élémentaires de la sommelerie & maîtriser rapidement les techniques de vente en restauration. Le b.a ba de la sommellerie, une technique de vente performante, des outils pour bien présenter et commercialiser sa carte des vins. A maîtriser les techniques de services, une sélection de vins quasi inédite en suisse romande, des supports professionnels et de qualités, de l'aisance face aux clients

Quench your thirst for knowledge & forge the success of your business

Carte des vins

The wine list

Your 2nd business card...Much more than just grape varieties, vintages or cuvé essential working tool that says a lot about you & your establishment

The wine cellar

An invaluable lever... With the desire to prioritise quality over quantity, highlighting local produce and authenticity. Management and organisation become the business of the whole team.

Une cave à vins. Un levier inestimable...avec la volonté de privilégier la qualité à la quantité, mettant en avant le terroir & l'authenticité. La gestion et l'organisation devient l'affaire de toute une équipe

The training

Take advantage of the expertise of a wine professional to enhance your team's knowledge and contribute to their development quickly and efficiently.

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Privat sommelier for your events

Treat yourself to the services of a private sommelier for a special event: wedding, themed evening, creation of a cuvée...

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Réception avec un sommelier privé

The catering industry: constantly evolving & always looking for innovation.

In recent months, there has been a surge in requests for external service providers, as companies seek to benefit from the advantages of a large group while retaining their 'freedom & flexibility' & enabling them to move forward calmly towards their objectives while making significiant savings.

Today, Passionnément'vin is helping more companies to carry out the various 


My concept of a sommelier at your fingertips offers you a hight-quality outside view, services tailored to new market trends and guarantees you rapid development, with simplicity and complete confidentiality.

Contact US

Would you like to tell me about your project, obtain further information, or find out about my availability?

Angel, sommelier privé et indépendant qui donne des cours et organise des événements sur les domaines viticoles pour les particuliers et les entreprises.
Since spring 2021, for each event, creation of a cuvée & bottle opened during a tasting or training session:

Passionnément'vin will donate 1 chf to the
Vinaction Association.

Contact us

Would you like to tell me about your project, obtain further information or find out about my availability?


Angélique Werner
Z.I du Verney
Rte du Verney 20A
1070 Puidoux
Vaud Suisse.

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